Call for Papers - 2016 EURAM

La Rédaction

1, 2, 3 and 4 June in Paris 

We, management scholars, may have put too much emphasis on research about competition and top down processes and not enough emphasis on cooperation. 

Our theme "Manageable Cooperation?" invites to debate about the new modes of production together with the new ways of value creation and distribution that are emerging and growing, as well as on how old systems are transformed with new demands for cooperation at the political and productive macro, meso and micro levels. 

Let’s meet at Université Paris –Est Créteil (UPEC) ideally located 20 minutes away from Paris’ Center (metro station Créteil Université).  UPEC is partnering with prestigious French Business Schools to organise a 2016 EURAM conference providing a memorable opportunity for scholars and practitioners, as well as for doctoral students, to share and discuss their most recent high quality work with other experts in their research fields. The more detailed programme of our stimulating, interactive keynote speeches and roundtables, workshops, symposia, development working groups, and much more, will soon be posted on our website.


La Rédaction